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Sunday, 14 May 2017

Art - The New Babysitter

"The New Babysitter"

Following a brief hiatus (more on that soon; it's not for negative reasons but due to a combination of real life dullness and a more exciting ongoing project I will talk about soon) we leave the wonderful Mean Maid Month behind and move on to something a bit different...


One of my all-time favorite spanking fantasies. Why? I don't know. Maybe because I never really *had* a babysitter as a kid (not the 'young highschool/college girl/au pair' stereotype, at least)? Maybe because back when I first discovered I was a spanko (rather than just having "funny feelings" about bossy girls as a kid) I was in highschool and thus the peers I had those first truly 'spanky' thoughts about were that perfect 'babysitter age'?

Regardless, it's a theme I love to revisit in any form (art, stories, ageplay videos/audios) so was fun to return to here. I've already done a few art pieces in the past that could be seen as babysitter scenes (such as here and here), but this one is the first I've posted here that was expressly intended to evoke that unique spanking relationship.