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Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Monday, 25 September 2017

Posting Again

Without getting into too much detail, I fell quite ill shortly after posting my last artwork here. It's been tough; I've been sick on and off for the past few months, sometimes just minor, sometimes pretty debilitated, and I've not been able to work as much as I used to, too. I wouldn't mention this at all if not for a comment a while back that viewers here didn't know the exact reason why my posting was quite sporadic at times. So, in the interest of disclosure, now you know a bit more.

Things have been looking brighter of late, but I'm still not 100% and still not back to work full-time (making money short as well), but I have used some of the time stuck at home to dust off some old artworks in need of just minor polishing touches to post, as well as tinkering with some new pieces.

I hope those of you still around enjoy the posts that will be coming up. I've got about three finished pieces to post, and another half-dozen that I'd consider "almost finished" that I'd love to try and get done and posted. I genuinely miss posting and chatting and sharing with you all, either here or on other (mostly now long-gone) spanking sites/forums, so I look forward to any feedback and comments you might have.

In addition to this art, I have been working on a spanky-related project for just under a year now (I mentioned this at the start of my previous post, somewhat cryptically): a "mod" of a fairly well-known and very fun "RPG" spanking video game named "SpanQuest", by a very talented gentleman named Bagool. With his kind permission, I've been allowed to greatly expand this game, both with cosmetic overhauls and with lots of new content. I will be posting my enhanced version of his game - called "SpanQuest DX" here (and cross-posted to Anime OTK, where although I don't post much, the original SpanQuest originated). I know not all my viewers here are "gamers", but I really encourage everyone to give this fun and entertaining game a try... it's very much an "adventure" game in the traditional sense, more about playing a story than solving puzzles and certainly not requiring any "twitch" gamer skills... you don't need to be a master of Dark Souls or anything to play it! As I said, this will be posted soon, and I *very* much need people to test the initial version for bugs and problems. I'll reiterate it at the time, but a huge thanks to Bagool for giving permission to edit and expand his game!

I also have a couple of spanking stories I've been working on, if people are interested in those? My stories seem to get less feedback here than my art, which is fine, but please let me know if you'd like to read more of my fiction efforts. I once considered publishing them as ebooks, but I wouldn't know where to even start finding a publisher for kinky stuff like that!

Finally, I've also been considering starting a Patreon, given my current situation, the fact everyone and his dog has one, and that I've been doing this for around fifteen years and my dreams of a "membership site" never came true... but I don't know a lot about that donation platform, so am not sure how or if that might happen (anyone with experience with Patreon, I'd love to hear from you). I mainly mention this though to make it know that, rest assured, my spanking art will always be posted here for free as it has been. Anything based on optional donations would only be silly extras (letting people pick a future art subject, for example) or focused on a specific, non-art software projects I've been developing. I really imagine any possible Patreon to just be a place for grateful viewers to say "thanks" in a tangible way, purely optional and at any level they wish.

Geez, I've really been doing this for fifteen years?! Going to be the big 4-0 next week... where does the time go? :(