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Saturday, 25 July 2020

Game - The StarStruck Clinic, updated to v1.1

Update v1.1 for my StarStruck Clinic game. This is just a small update that adds 2 new stars and fixes a host of bugs and issues. Enjoy!

The StarStruck Clinic, v1.1

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Game - The StarStruck Clinic

The StarStruck Clinic is a multimedia text-based (Twine-powered) spanking simulator with a difference; instead of going around spanking others, you're the one getting spanked!

The backstory and setting is described in the game, but suffice to say, you play a "volunteer" (or not) who is arriving at one of the new chains of StarStruck Clinics for the first time. These Clinics are a new concept, where celebrities can pay to "blow off steam" by spanking people!

What will happen when you arrive? Who will spank you? You'll just have to find out for yourself...

Monday, 23 March 2020

The current crisis

Just wanted to check in again and say hi to everyone, and let you all know I'm still alive!

The current coronavirus crisis is starting to severely impact Australia (yay for complacent and idiotic leadership) as it has most of the world, and I am currently in self-isolation since I care for an elderly relative a risk. The only silver lining is more time at home and at the computer, so just maybe a chance to catch up on posting some fun stuff to keep everyone's spirits up as we all ride through these trying times together.

After much consideration, and due to facing very real financial limitations as things shut down here, I have finally started a "Ko-fi" donation page, which is liked to on the sidebar now. I aim to get a Patreon up and running eventually too, but that takes much longer due to tax laws, etc. Please only give what you can afford, as I know times are tough for all of us right now. Still, who knows? Maybe one day I'll make enough on donations to do what I do full time instead of working a vanilla job? LOL!

In any case, please keep safe, stay home if you can, and keep upholding each other in our thoughts and prayers. I never thought I'd see something like this in my lifetime, it seems just the other day I was starting up my own blog or even posting on Yahoo (now gone, too). It's been a fun 15 years, and here's hoping we all share many more in times to come.


Friday, 3 January 2020

Happy New Year (and safe and well)

Happy New Year, everyone! :)

I also wanted to post just to let everyone know that I'm alright. If you've seen on the news about the terrible fires here in Australia, I am thankful to be far enough away from any of them to be safe (aside from the smoke in the air that has come this far, even!). Please keep my fellow Aussies in your thoughts and prayers, though; the scale of this disaster is pretty massive and tragic.