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Friday, 3 January 2020

Happy New Year (and safe and well)

Happy New Year, everyone! :)

I also wanted to post just to let everyone know that I'm alright. If you've seen on the news about the terrible fires here in Australia, I am thankful to be far enough away from any of them to be safe (aside from the smoke in the air that has come this far, even!). Please keep my fellow Aussies in your thoughts and prayers, though; the scale of this disaster is pretty massive and tragic.


  1. Happy new years to you as well. I am happy to hear you are safe, I hope that continues! Wild fires are scary(I have lived through a few in my time). I will keep all Aussies in my prayers and hope they continue to be safe!

  2. Hey Banjo!

    Good to hear from you. It's a real shame about what's going on now in Oz. I'm from California and, as you may know, we've had our share of major wildfires for the past couple of years so I kind of know what your fellow Aussies are going thru. Best wishes for your country and you too...

  3. It's a relief to know you're safe and well. My heart goes out to anyone affected by
    these terrible fires and to those who left homes behind. Very scary thought. Glad you
    let us know you are OK -- I was thinking about you but thought best to wait until you
    posted. Keep well and have the best 2020 possible.

  4. Good to see you back, Banjo, and relieved to hear that you haven't been affected directly by the fires. Worrying times. Here's hoping that the New Year brings better news.
