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Monday, 15 January 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Yes, I'm still alive, though health has fluctuated in the last few months, which is why I haven't posted until now.

I did have my 40th birthday in October, which had me thinking back on over 25 of those as a conscious spanko... as well as all the years I've spent online with the wonderful folks I've met over the years, sharing art and stories and videos and friendships. From Excite, MSN and Yahoo to this blog... it's been one heck of a fun journey! Thanks to all who've shared it with me.

Especially at this time, I've been thinking back on the 15 years or so I've been creating my own art and stories and posting them publicly, and the time I spent running my first-ever project "Starstruck Spanking": an old Yahoo Group that focused on discussing "spankings from celebrities" (rather than the more common "spanking OF celebrities"!). I learned how to create "fakes" that were always fun to work on, as well as the art of photo captioning, but the highlight was writing stories and reading stories by other members there. People like Colin, David, Joerg and Pukeboy made that time such fun. In fact, I dug out Pukeboy's epic "The Spanking Zone" stories the other days, and thought it might be nice to repost them here on this blog; I have since lost touch with Pukeboy himself, but his stories were amazing fun and I know he'd like new people to get a chance to read them.

In keeping with the subject of celebrity spankings, and the New Year celebration and nostalgia, I decided to put together a little project for fun, and to open this year's blogging with... see next post!


  1. Happy fortieth birthday!!!! And Happy New Year!!! Glad to see you posting. And
    as always, best wishes on getting your health back on track. Hope 2018 is a year
    full of dreams come true.

  2. I'm sorry that in recent times you've contended with some health issues, Banjo, but as a veteran of your 'starstruckspanking' days (coming in at a point after you'd been active online for a while) I can only say how much I've valued your friendship and creativity over the years! Enjoy the rest of your fortieth year and I hope it brings you all you'd hope from it! Colin
