"Birched On Mistress's Orders" |
A change of pace here, from the scholastic and rural locations of the previous artworks. Now we visit a luxurious manor house - perhaps in the past, perhaps in the present - to take a look at the life of a Mistress, her maid, and her indentured 'houseboy'.
This new piece is based on three main ideas:
1) Being a "houseboy to a wealthy, cruel woman" is a fantasy of mine.
2) I rather liked the idea of a rich spanker getting someone else to do their "dirty work" for them.
3) I love sexy maids, but obviously would rather be spanked by than spank them!
And so this artwork was born.
Yes, that's loosely "me" as the poor spankee here again. I try to resist putting myself in all my work, since it (IMO) lessens the audience's immersion when the character is clearly "not you" (it's why I love "POV" spanking videos and audios). But this time I couldn't help myself, given I was feeling particularly 'submissive' when I made it. Besides, my trademark ponytail kinda fits the slightly old-fashioned setting here (well, that's my defense!).
Anyway, the concept of the picture was that the unfortunate houseboy had done something to displease his Mistress (the raven-haired lady with the folded arms on the right). She's furious, but isn't about to work up a sweat punishing him herself... that's what having money and power means!
Instead, she has one of her maids (the red-haired cutie on the left) restrain the nervous young man across the special spanking bench she had built for just such occasions, and then orders him soundly birched until she is satisfied that he's learned his lesson. Or that she's satisfied he's suffered enough for her pleasure (there are advantages to money and power for a sadistic aristocratic lady like that).
I image the proceedings being very formal; he's ordered to carry the spanking bench into the parlor and set it up for use. He's either ordered to undress and fold his own clothes nearly while Mistress watches, glaring imperiously, or he's ordered to remain perfectly still while the maid undresses him in a very humiliating and childish fashion.
Of course, the maid enjoys all this immensely. Having this young man trembling, nude and pleading before her, combined with being given express permission by her Mistress to really thrash his bottom severely... perhaps she's got a bit of a "crush" on this particular houseboy? That might explain her smirking enthusiasm and unbridled delight as she obediently whips that stinging birch rod across his squirming bare buttocks?
Such squirming is kept to a minimum, though; Mistress knows the effect a birch can have on a young man, hence the spanking bench and the restraints. He can wriggle ever so slightly (and pleasingly, Mistress notes) but not enough to escape or make the maid's strokes miss their target; the birch bites hard with every blow!
He remains ungagged, however; Mistress wants to hear him plead and apologize, she wants to hear how contrite he is, after all (and how much that birch is hurting him!).
Perhaps this is his first time under the birch? Mistress may have administered (or had her maid administer) handspankings, slipperings and hairbrushings before, but this could be a new 'experience' for the poor young houseboy? An 'escalation' of sorts? Or a new purchase by Mistress?
Or perhaps this is actually his first day in her employment? Ignorance of the rules would be no excuse, and making a mistake on his first day would see no mercy or leniency given. Besides, it would make a good learning experience for him to know what to expect when he steps out of line in his new position.
Perhaps he didn't even do anything especially
wrong? Could Mistress be so cruel as to have him birched as a "welcome" to her household? That would certainly make for a memorable introduction, and set his mind firmly on how his life had suddenly changed!
If he
did do something to deserve this, what could it be? Did he answer her back? Not perform his domestic duties fast enough or to her satisfaction? Did the naughty boy stain his bedsheets thinking about his Mistress and/or her maid, or even (blush) "get caught in the act" by one of them?
Whatever the reason (or lack of it), and whatever his prior experience being punished, it's clear that the birch is making a real impression on him! It's also clear that the maid is enjoying her orders and won't show any hesitation in carrying them out (even when Mistress - to his horror - calls for "Harder!" and "His thighs, too!"). And it's clear that Mistress is not moved by his cries, and will not call an end to his birching until she alone is satisfied.
I can see Mistress occasionally calling for a pause in proceedings, so she can crouch or lean forward to look him in the eyes, to ask him if he's learning, if he's sorry, and to remind him who's the Mistress here and who's the naughty little subservient houseboy.
Though I can equally imagine her watching the whole thing coldly from a distance, arms folded, frowning and silent, just letting her maid carry out the harsh sentence without engaging the poor frantic, pleading houseboy in dialog at all until his thrashing is over.
Afterwards, will he be allowed to scurry to his room to cry and think about what has happened to him? Will he be put in the corner, on display, for the rest of the afternoon? Ordered back to his duties with time to recover from his ordeal (Mistress will want her bath prepared)?
Or will he simply be released and left naked on hands and knees to clean up the bits of twig from the birch all over the floor. If that's the case, whether Mistress will remain to supervise him, or leave the maid to do so while she retired to her chambers to "reflect" on recent proceedings herself amid the silky satin sheets of her huge soft bed, I'll leave for you to decide...