"Knowing He's Next" |
To me, one of the most exciting and terrifying part of spanking is "the wait": knowing with
utter certainty that you are going to be spanked, and that it's only a matter of time before your hot-bottomed doom occurs!
It could be standing in a corner, pants down with the cool air reminding you how bare and exposed you are, waiting for those footsteps and the voice that announces "turn around and come out of that corner!". It could be after having been sent to your room, sitting on your bed with your pulse racing, eyes glued to the door handle as you wait for it to turn and open, decreeing at last that "it's time". It could be sitting outside the head mistress' office with other doomed miscreants, listening to the crack of a cane or paddle and howls for mercy from behind the door, as the queue thins out until it's your turn at last!
Taking that concept one step further is the idea of actually being right there in the same room as a spanking-in-progress, and knowing you're next for exactly the same! Having to watch and listen as your fellow spankee is smacked to a tearful mess, with full knowledge that "that will be you" any minute... well, that's just
scary! Especially since you're getting to see just how hard your soon-to-be-spanker can hit, how strong her arm is, and how merciless she is no doubt going to be with
With this artwork, I wanted to capture that "oh god, I'm going to get that too!" vibe for a spankee in such a position. Here, our naughty boys have no doubt be ordered to strip naked and lay face down on their beds, a pillow under their hips to raise their bottoms up to present a more inviting target. Whether they've been waiting in that position for their punishment for a few minutes or several hours, I'm not sure (what do you think?).
Was their wait in tearful misery, both openly acknowledging that they were really "for it" now? Or perhaps they were both angry and sulky, making a "manly" pact between them to "not cry" and maybe even "don't show those girls that it hurts"? If the latter was the case, it's clear now that the one currently under the belt isn't honoring that pact at all, and that the young man in the foreground already knows he won't be able to either!
Indeed, while it's quite expected and natural for the young man being leathered by an angry young woman's belt to be howling and sobbing his lungs out, the boy in the foreground is
already crying (tears of fear and anticipation, it seems?) too. Scrunching a pillow over his head and screwing his eyes shut tight, he tries to block out the sounds of his fellow (friend? cousin? brother?) spankee's childish screams and frantic pleas for mercy, but those braying wails and loud cracking of the belt - sounds that fills that small upstairs bedroom - are far too loud to muffle. Besides, nothing can distract his thoughts from the inevitability of his belt-spanking... he's next, he knows it, and it's really going to hurt!
Which raises an interesting question, I think: when you and another person are going to be spanked, who is (comparatively) better off? The one being spanked first, or the one being spanked last? Thoughts?
I'm not sure, incidentally, what the actual reason/scenario for this clearly severe belt-thrashing is, here. I am tempted to say the two girls are sisters, with tough 'big sis' dishing out a leathering for teasing/annoying/displeasing 'little sis'. The younger girl certainly seems quite smugly amused by the two boys' predicament here. Perhaps they 'earned' this strapping for something they did or said to her? Or perhaps she just made something up and told 'big sis', knowing she'd believe her over them? Is this a 'family' (brothers and sisters)? Perhaps one of the boys is a hapless friend, just there for a sleepover? Perhaps the strapper is actually the babysitter for all
three of the others? All those ideas work for me... but what do
you think?