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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Art: The Hairbrush Dance

"The Hairbrush Dance"
There's nothing like an impromptu "spankie dance" by a spankee shows that a spanking REALLY got through to them, I think.

To be in such hot-bottomed agony that you literally jump and prance about the room, frantically clutching and rubbing your stinging, burning buttocks, head thrown back back and howling to the heavens... that's the sign of a well-spanked young man (or young lady... shh!) and - so I'm told - a rather amusing sight for a spanker to watch.

Further, I believe there's few things better for producing a post-spanking "war-dance" than a properly-applied hard wooden hairbrush!

That's what I wanted to capture in this new artwork. Here, a satisfied lady watches as a young man performs what she affectionately terms "the hairbrush dance"; that is, hopping about while sobbing and rubbing his crimson buns like there's no tomorrow! For her, it's the clear sign that he'll remember this hairbrushing for a long time to come! For him, it's the point where he's oblivious to anything else in the whole world except the burning and stinging of his well-spanked buns. Two very different "emotional states"  in the same moment.

When I made it, I imagined that she was his "aunty" (possibly a "surrogate aunt" or even stepmother?) and had just given him a sound hairbrushing before going to bed (hence her somewhat "undressed" state and his nakedness)... this wasn't some totally on-the-spot spanking, but a measured approach to really setting his tender cheeks aflame! Her expression - or at least what I was going for - is one of something along the lines of "hurts, doesn't it?" or "you certainly felt that, didn't you?" or "I think that did the trick, eh?" etc.

What do others think of this scenario? How do you imagine their relationship, and their respective thoughts and mindsets now, post-spanking? And do you think this particular dance he's doing is unique to her hairbrush, or just an all-purpose "ouch-it-really-really-hurts" dance?

Oh, and yes... this art piece IS the origin of my seemingly much-loved "evil aunty" decorative image from this post! I liked how her character turned out so much, I wanted to use her to "illustrate" my blog too, but was saving this original pic to go with the approaching article series.

"The Wait" epub fixed... and also now in Kindle format.

Just a quick heads up to let folks know that I've finally "mastered" the EPUB ebook format, so I've fixed the downloadable .epub version of "The Wait" to correct a few flow and formatting errors. It should hopefully now display nicely on most e-readers and tablets.

I have also added a download for the Mobi Pocket (.mobi) format, which I believe is the primary ebook format used by the Kindle. While I don't own one myself, it seems a popular device, and the fact it uses a somewhat uncommon format - especially compared to EPUB, which is used by most Android and Apple devices - means I wanted to support Kindle users with future downloads.

In both cases, please let me know if you have any trouble viewing the downloads or getting them to work, since I plan to support these formats with upcoming stories and e-book items whenever possible.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Scenario (Spankers only!): Four School Suspects

You are in charge of discipline at a private school, and are tasked with finding out which student - out of four suspects - set off the fire alarm at lunchtime. What is your course of action?

Scenario (Spankers only!): Teacher's Dilemma

As a teacher, you are angered when a member of your class leaves a sharp pin on your seat one morning. Since nobody owns up to the deed, you decide to spank your ENTIRE class, one at a time. When you are about halfway through this task, the student currently being smacked tearfully owns up and admits their guilt. You have already spanked almost half the class, however! So... what do you do?

Monday, 12 September 2011

Thank you! It's good to be back!

I just wanted to say a huge THANKS to everyone who's visited, posted comments, sent emails, and just been generally awesome!

I don't know what's "normal" or "good" for blogs, but I've had over 16,650 page views in the past week since I opened this site, a number that just leaves me stunned. I seriously had no idea that people even *remembered* me and my amateur attempts at artwork, let alone would still be interested!

I've also been amazed by the enthusiasm and kindness of other bloggers who've "plugged" my site, of their own accord, including artists, writers and bloggers I personally admire and enjoy, as well as - to my surprise - a lovely lady named Bonnie (who I've never met, spoken to or even visited, but who seems to be a *huge* spanking blog celebrity!) who very kindly linked to me totally out of the blue! That 33% of my visitors so far came from another blog (almost the same as from my old Yahoo Groups) is another reason to be grateful to you folks. I'm genuinely honored... thank you, all of you!

The fact that a couple have even asked me for design tips for *their* blogs is certainly an unexpected honor, too (when I opened, I was stressing out people would hate my "design" here, in fact!).

Reading everyone's comments this week has been a ton of fun, and really inspires me to continue this blog with new art, articles, and such. I am so happy - and relieved! - that people actually took the time to comment in such a fun and thoughtful manner; it really is inspiring for me to see folks engaging with my art and what I am trying to do here. Please know that I read *every* comment posted and email sent, and will be doing my best to reply to them (as needed) over the next few days, now that I'm "settled in" properly here.

As I said in my opening posts, I want this to be a place of discussion as well as to showcase my stuff; unlike some sites, there is no taboo against "grave digging" an old post here, folks! Anything and everything is fair game to post a thought on or continue discussing!

One thing I wanted to specifically single out was that I had no idea I'd get such a positive reaction to my little short story "The Wait", which I posted almost as an afterthought. I don't have the time to write much these days, but did it mostly as a bit of fun... so it was wonderful to hear it struck a chord with so many other people. Maybe I'll have to write more as well as making new art?!

Perhaps the best part of my "return", though, has been getting back in touch with so many old, long-lost friends. Just seeing those familiar names here welcoming me back really touched me in a way I can't describe, and getting in contact with so many of them again, some of whom I haven't spoken to in many years, made this whole undertaking worthwhile.

As I posted when I opened this blog, I was *very* nervous and hesitant about coming back into the public spotlight online again... the reaction (both publicly here and privately via email) has really convinced me that this was the right thing to do.

So, thanks again, everyone! Please keep the comments coming (and never think a post is "too old" to comment on).

Keep writing and discussing, and I'll keep posting stuff everyone can enjoy!


Art: A Tattletale Earns Him Seconds

"A Tattletale Earns Him Seconds"
This picture (which was the basis for my new blog site's "banner" and logo decorations) came about after wanting to do a new "school" scenario artwork. I wanted to feature both a teacher and a "schoolgirl", and decided to make the latter the "class tattletale".

The tattletale's uniform is admittedly more "adult store" than "real school", but it kinda fits my imagination of this as an exclusive college or private senior high, where the girls are allowed (and encouraged!) to dress as teasingly as they wish!

It also fits with my idea that his erection was likely caused by the mean little tattletale sneakily teasing him (crossing her legs so her skirt rides up, playing with her tied blouse, sucking on a pencil) every time he risked a glance over his shoulder from the corner... and then calling the teacher over in mock-shock when he was visibly aroused!

The boy in the corner, already soundly paddled for some unknown offense (perhaps related to his tendency towards "excitement", though I tend to think it was a more mundane and typical school offense, like forgotten homework or tardiness) is desperately trying to persuade the girl not to draw attention to his involuntary excitement... but of course, it's too late and she's not listening to his frantic "shushes" anyway!

The teacher, for her part, isn't impressed. She probably thinks he's aroused as a result of his sore bottom, the perverted little brat! Well, she'll give him something to be excited about this time... it's back in front of the class and over her desk for a second - and *much* harder and longer - paddling for him now!

And it's all that bratty little tattletale's fault...

Flashback: Hall Monitor Meanies

"Hall Monitor Meanies"
This week's "school theme" begun with my new piece continues with this very old artwork of mine, called "Hall Monitor Meanies".

Here, I imagined a boy assigned the chore of scrubbing the school hallway floor with a bucket and sponge (no mop, so he has to do it on his hands and knees). His short pants make this hard on his knees, of course!

The girls "supervising" his work are either all Hall Monitors or Prefects... or at least, one of them (probably the ponytailed girl on the right?) is one, and the rest are her friends who've come to watch the hapless boy scrub the floor in his lunch hour.

I tend to see what happened as follows: he was ordered by the girl(s) to scrub the floor, but when they saw he wasn't doing a good enough job, he was given a bare bottom spanking (perhaps tucked under the angry hall monitor's arm?) then and there! However, during that spanking, he knocked over his bucket, so now he's *really* in trouble! What do others think? Maybe he knocked the bucket over afterwards, since his vision is blurred with tears and he's not paying close attention due to his stinging backside? Or maybe one of the girls walking by *kicked* it over, just to get him in more trouble? What do others think?

With her hands on her hips, the dark haired girl certainly looks annoyed at his "clumsiness"! The blonde on the left is "helpfully" pointing out the mess he's made, while the pigtailed girl behind him is likely explaining either why or what should be done about it! The redhead looks quite amused by the whole "show" (perhaps she's another "new girl" like I suggested in "In Front of the Class"?)

Flashback: In Front of the Class

"In Front of the Class"
It's a "School Special" this week, to celebrate my never-before-posted "A Tattletale Earns Him Seconds" artwork's release!

In this old artwork, I wanted to capture the "ultimate nightmare" of a male student... a pants-down walloping by an attractive but strict teacher in front of his cute female classmates!

Here, he looks (I hope!) suitably "cowed" after a painful encounter with his teacher's heavy wooden school paddle, and is nursing his poor bare bottom with tears running down his face, as Miss points the way back to his (uncomfortably hard) seat.

Meanwhile, the two girls sat in the front row of the class are snickering and giggling to each other. The brunette on the left is a little in awe of having just seen their male classmate get paddled... or maybe she's just surprised at how hard he was paddled, or at what a big baby he's being about it? Or maybe this is her first day at this school, and her previous one didn't allow bare bottom paddlings? What do others think?

Whatever the reason for her amused surprise (she seem to be gasping "Wow!" here to me), her friend on the right (the blonde girl) is much less shocked and more smug: she's probably seen boys get spanked before (leading credence to the "girl on the left is new" theory?) and enjoys the show! Maybe she's pointing out to her female classmate that his reaction isn't unusual, nor is their teacher's severity with him? Maybe she's telling her not to worry, because only boys get paddled like that at this school? Or maybe she's just agreeing smugly "Yeah, that's what he deserved!"

Whatever the whispered discussion in the front row (a good place to sit in this classroom if one wants a "nice view" when a boy gets called up to be paddled by teacher!), do you think that this sobbing spankee is going to *ever* live this incident down with his classmates?

Monday, 5 September 2011


The name's Banjo, a guy from Australia for whom the F/m spanking kink has been a passion for as long as I can remember.

Here on this site, you'll find my amateur attempts to create spanking artwork, as well as the occasional short story, article, review, fantasy, or just general rambling on the subject at hand... that is, take-charge women spanking men until their bottoms glow cherry red!

Dominant wives and girlfriends. Strict mothers, aunties, and sisters. No-nonsense teachers and bosses. Butt-kicking military women and police officers. Even that sweet girl next door with a paddle hidden under her bed... this site is dedicated to them (and the men they spank)!

For those of you who know or remember me from years ago, or from my old Yahoo Groups, you can read about the saga of how this new site came to be in the About section.

This site has been a long time coming, and will hopefully prove a labor of love. All I ask is that you please comment and participate.

Oh, and above all... have fun!

2014 Edit: after three years, when revisiting the character depicted here, I suddenly noticed a glitch in this pic with the teacher's finger going *through* her paddle... so I finally fixed it and updated this artwork and the main blog banner. Better late than never!

Suggestions welcome!

"I SUGGEST you get yourself over my knee, young man!"
I'm very new to this whole "blog" thing, folks... both in posting content and designing the look and feel of the site.

If anyone has trouble navigating this place, or wants to make suggestions about how to improve Banjo's BBS technically, aesthetically or otherwise, please comment on this post with your ideas!

I also welcome suggestions for types of content I might not have thought of... however I've already got a lot of ideas planned for this place, so stay tuned!

The first week or so may be a bit "bumpy" as I get settled in, so please be patient with me as I learn the Blogger ropes and adapt to being back in the public spotlight again!

Friday, 2 September 2011

Please participate!

This site exists because I want to share my imagination and creations with you, so please take a moment to leave a thought, share an opinion, or start a discussion via the comments section under the items I post.

There are several ways to be a part of this site:

Leave a comment
Leaving a comment is easy:
Just look for the  icon to find the comment link or text box.

What should you say? Whatever you want! Give your thoughts on what I post, how you feel about an artwork or story, your opinion on an article or even discuss the comments of others who've given their thoughts before you.

I personally started out online as a 'lurker' (someone who frequents a site but never posts/interacts), and reverted to being one again during my 'online retirement' period. Trust me when I say that taking part is so much more fun and rewarding! There's no shame in staying 'silent' here, but if you're enjoying yourself, please do consider "de-lurking" and saying "hi"!

Feedback really is the best way you can say "thank you" to any artist or writer!

Click a reaction
Each post features the following 'reaction' checkboxes:

If you don't have time to write something, or just want to give a concise opinion as well as a comment, click on one (or more!) of these to make your opinion known. Choose from 'Hot!' (you find the item sexy), 'Ouch!' (that looks/sounds painful!), 'Scary' (that looks/sounds scary!), 'Funny' (you find it amusing), 'Like' (you like the item or agree with an article) or 'Dislike' (you don't like the item or disagree with an article).

None of these can replace an interesting comment, however!

Vote in the polls
I love polls, particularly spanking polls!

They're are a great way to give an idea of your opinions and background while remaining anonymous. There are several polls at the bottom of the blog site here, and others will be posted semi-regularly (just click the 'Polls' tab to sort them from the other posts).

If just choosing an option isn't enough for you, each poll post lets you comment too, so you can add clarifications or justification for your choice(s).

Send an email
I love getting emails and making new friends. If you want to say something that you feel is too long (or too "personal" for the blog's comment system, always feel free to drop me an email at banjosbbs@hotmail.com and I'll reply as quickly as I can.

If you don't get a reply, this almost always just means I'm super busy, and I will get back to you... I'll never ignore a nice email message!

Make a donation
Unlike traditional "pen and paper" art, computer-rendered artwork carries a real financial cost for 3D models and software. If you enjoy this site my work, you can always consider making a small donation to help me continue... or just buy me drink to say "cheers".

Please don't feel obligated, but every little bit does help!

Be nice
The Number One rule here, and the only one that will be 'enforced'.

Firstly, please respect my copyrights. I thought long and hard about returning online, and originally it was to have been a commercial site. In the end, though, I decided to display my work here for free, for everyone to enjoy. In return, I ask that you kindly don't remove my name from my work, attempt to charge money for it, or re-post whole "siterips" elsewhere.

Secondly, please be nice to each other when commenting and interacting around the site. Manners cost nothing, and the relative anonymity of the internet should not be an excuse to treat others poorly.

Art: A Very Bad Brushing

"A Very Bad Brushing"

Announcing... my first NEW picture, previously unpublished and unposted anywhere online!

This new picture was a result of my ongoing "love-hate" relationship with the dreaded wooden hairbrush as a spanking implement.

Here, I decided to depict a strict blonde "auntie" type delivering an angry evening hairbrush spanking to the young man currently living under her roof. I wanted to make it clear that she's really furious with him, and that this is definitely an "atomic level" spanking he's getting! Hopefully that comes across here.

As to why is he getting such a severe hairbrushing...? Perhaps he is a new 'guest' in her house, and on his first day has shown a less than respectful attitude to his new 'guardian'? Maybe - given their relative states of dress - he's flaunted her "curfew" and come home late... and is now paying the price! Perhaps he's done something else against her strict rules, and she's only now found out about it? Or maybe he's been staying here here a while now, but she's decided tonight is the night for an "attitude adjustment" session?

Is this his first hairbrush spanking? His first ever spanking full stop? Or just one of many in a somewhat "red-bottomed history" with his stern aunt? What do others think?

One thing's for sure, though: with him leg-locked and pinned in place like that, he's not going anywhere until she's done working off her anger on his helpless bare backside!

Story: The Wait

By Banjo
(with thanks to Colin, for the original inspiration)

Robert pulled back the curtains of his second-story bedroom window and peered out for what seemed like the hundredth time that hour.

It was a beautiful summer’s day outside in the grounds of the palatial manor house at which he lived, yet it felt to Robert like a single dark storm cloud was hovering directly over his bedroom: a harbinger of his impending doom.

Any moment now, Miss Anushka was coming to soundly smack his bare bottom.

Flashback: Birthday Surprise

"Birthday Surprise"

"Happy birthday, darling! Do you like surprises? Well, take those underpants off, lay face down on the bed, and close your eyes, honey... I've got a BIG surprise for you!"

With this old artwork, I wanted to do a birthday spanking piece of some kind, and rather than the typical, I decided to suggest a 'surprise bottom warming' from his Significant Other that night.

While looking at it now, it could be viewed that she's finally agreed to grant him his spanking fantasy wish... but at the time I made it, I had something less-nice in mind, I'm afraid:

HE is excited because he really thinks she's got him something nice, and it looks set to be a romantic evening, too... however, SHE is trying not to smirk because she actually only bought him a sturdy wooden hairbrush to receive his blistering birthday spanking with! (maybe he's only had birthday handspankings other years... or maybe this is his first one full stop?).

Mean, or just all in good fun? What do you think?

Flashback: Spanked and Soaped

"Spanked and Soaped"

This old artwork came about because someone asked me "why don't you ever do mouthsoaping pictures?". I'd never had it done to me growing up, but the thought (and occasional threat!) always made it seem awful... a punishment I could never imagine 'enjoying' on any level!

Though as someone who's admittedly got a bit of a 'potty mouth' at times, perhaps it was something I should have received?

Looking at this piece now, she looks dressed for a night out, while he's either just showered and still naked, or "staying home tonight!" for whatever he did wrong. Where is she off to, I wonder? Is she his wife? Girlfriend? Mommy? Auntie?

And just what did he do to earn a mouthful of foul-tasting soap suds? What do people consider 'mouthsoaping offenses'? Swearing? Backtalk? Lying? Lewd comments? Is mouthsoaping effective for dealing with 'mouthy' boys?

Oh, and note the hairbrush by the sink... ouch! But should a spanking be given before or after a mouthsoaping?

Flashback: Party Pooper

"Party Pooper"

One of the last pieces I did in my 'old days'... I can tell because it has so many characters in it, and when I started out my old computer couldn't handle more than three or four!

I wanted to do a 'party scene' for a while, so this was the payoff for me. My favourite characters here are actually not the spanker or spankee, but the lady in red sitting beside him, legs crossed and smirking as she "enjoys the show"... she just turned out really hot-looking, IMHO! With her thighs right in his face like that, I wonder if he'll get himself in more trouble against his spanker's lap? ;)

Speaking of which... what do you think he's getting spanked for? I'm pretty sure I was intending it was for ogling the other ladies besides his 'partner' (date? wife? girlfriend?). Maybe he was caught looking at the legs (or down the front!) of the dress of the lady in red, hence she's been afforded the prime seat to watch? Or maybe he was propositioning the serving girl/maid in the foreground? Heck, maybe he just made an off-colour joke at the party to the guy behind them, and the spanker took offense?

When the spanking is over, will she take him straight home... maybe for more spanking? Or maybe to 'apologize' on his knees? Or will they stay at the party, where he'll have to endure the sniggers and giggles and teasing of everyone who saw him getting his bottom soundly smacked?

Flashback: Corner Time

"Corner Time"

This old artwork was the result of wanting to do a dedicated 'corner time' picture. Noce to the corner, hands-on-head and bottom bare seemed the most iconic choice.

 The spanker, meanwhile, is another of my favourites from this era of my work. I used that hairstyle she has a lot, as I found it inexplicably hot! I do like how her expression turned out. Note the crude hairbrush I had to 'build' myself, since back then a hairbrush prop seemed the rarest thing in the 3D world!

This is also very much a "minimal story shown" picture... we don't have any idea why he was spanked or even if he's already been hairbrushed or that's "stage 2" about to come! And is she pointing at him to say "That's what I do to bad boys", or "You're next!" or even "Now you've been spanked too, you can join him in the corner"? Thoughts?

Flashback: Performance Evaluation

"Performance Evaluation"

Though a common fantasy, I'm sure, I suspect that my love of strict 'corporate boss ladies' was fueled by the fact that one of my first employers was a nice but rather bossy young woman fond of tight-trousered pantsuits.

The scenario here is clear... his productivity is down, so his pants come down too! He seems to be promising to do better, but somehow I don't think she's going to stop until she's taught him what happens to 'underachievers' at this company! :( I'll bet he pays closer attention to his figures from now on, though, wouldn't you?

When I made this I imagined this as a weekly or monthy 'evaluation' meeting in the boss' office, though it could work equally as an 'on the spot incentive' in the middle of a busy office!

People have told me the lady in this picture reminds them of Nicole Kidman... perhaps a subconscious influence? I can certainly imagine Ms Kidman as a tight-suited, firm-handed, no-bullshit office boss, can't you?

Flashback: Taking His Medicine

"Taking His Medicine"

This old piece was partly inspired by my real-life childhood fears of getting injections.

At the clinic depicted, though, big boys who act so childishly get given something to really cry about... hard, bare bottom spankings until they are pleading and promising to co-operate and take their dreaded 'shots'. Which, of course, are then duly administered... directly to their very red, very sore bottoms!

What do you think? Is that a fair and reliable treatment for such 'problem patients'? Or would it just give them a NEW fear about trips to the doctor's office?

Flashback: Supervised Surfing

"Supervised Surfing"

One of my early works, and probably my very favourite spanker I 'created' during that period.

She combines a lot of things I love... tight 'boybeater' vest, shorts, ponytail, strong arms and legs, and a real sense of "mission accomplished" in her expression and pose. You can bet she'll be looking over his shoulder when he's surfing the internet from now on!

Note the 'meta' use of my (then wishful thinking) 'Banjo's BBS' website on the poor spankee's computer screen... and just how old-fashioned that ugly PC (and is that a floppy disk on the desk?!) looks compared to typical computer setups of today!

I never had a clear idea of "who she was" when I made this, except that she's definitely can spank hard enough to make an impression. Is she a 'big sister'? Babysitter? Girlfriend? Someone else?

And is her solution to the 'problem' here more or less effective than the likes of internet filtering software and porn blockers?

Flashback: A Workout Whacking

"A Workout Whacking"
I love athletic women, and this old artwork was kind of a 'tribute' to fit gym ladies everywhere... who I know wouldn't need to ask if they wanted to spank a guy like me!

Such a strong lady could easily bruise a bottom with just her hand! And those toned thighs and arms would make escape all but impossible for blokes who should have spent more time with the weights and less time watching the girls' aerobics glass jiggle about!

Definitely a "wake-up call" for a man who still thinks himself a member of "the superior sex".

Does this resonate with anyone here who's "noticed" these sort of ladies at their local gym? Are there any gym ladies present who've been tempted to overpower a guy like that?

Survey (Spankees only!): Most hated implement

What is your most dreaded implement to be spanked with?

Feedback: How did you find me?

How did you find this site?

About You: Gender & Spanking Role

What is your gender and spanking preference?

About You: Spanking Preference

What is your favourite spanking genre?

Survey (Spankers only!): Favourite spanking implement

What is your favourite implement to spank with?