I was inspired by Emily's alternate universe
The Emilyverse since back when she
first shared it, and shortly after set about doing some "fan art" based on it. With everything that happened last year, I never got chance to polish them up for posting, but with Emily's permission I will be posting some of them here now.
You should visit the above-linked post and/or Emily's
Tumblr site first if you don't know the setup/"rules" for The Emilyverse, but in a nutshell, it's an alternative history where a change in social values and psychology conspired to see relationships take on a more... well... "pervy" twist. In The Emilyverse, it's considered healthy and normal for one partner in a relationship to assume a "parental" role over the other partner. There are varying degrees of this, of course, from "daddy" husbands who just have final say in the household and financial decisions for their "immature" wives, to "mommy" wives who keep their "little" husbands in short pants, restrict them to cartoons and spank them with blistering regularity!
Since this is my blog, I'm obviously going to be drawn to the latter model of relationships, so this first fan art deals with a young husband's new Mommy-Wife, and his obvious adoration of her.
"His New Mommy-Wife: Daytime" |
Because this sort of relationship is considered perfectly normal in The Emilyverse, it is common to see a couple out in public like this: a young man and his older wife, her in her crisp, professional business suit and him childishly attired in shorts and a cartoon tee-shirt. A hairbrush ready in her hand in case her "little man" pouts or acts up... public spankings are rather common in the Emilyverse too, I'd imagine!
I really wanted to try and capture their relationship here, with her arm around him in a loving but also rather "possessive" way (he belongs to her!) and him looking lovingly at her as the "mommy he always dreamed of marrying".
Sure, some "Mommy-husband" of this kind are more even-footed in everyday life, with both partners working and equal in their daily routines; both work, both look after the house, but when "Mommy" puts her foot down, her husband has to obey... or his bottom will pay for it and he will not be going out with his friends this weekend!
But there are many couples (like the one I chose to depict here) where the husband is "regressed" to the status of a "little boy", totally submitting to his Mommy-Wife and playing out the Emilyverse-perverted roles of "Mommy" and "her boy" 24/7.
For some, this is the perfect lifestyle in both their eyes: "Mommy" goes to work at the office while he gets to stay home and watch cartoons and play with his Lego. Of course, he'll be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E if his chores aren't done and his toys tidied up when she comes home from work!
Apologies for the lack of posts this month; I've had pretty much no internet access, and what I have had has been dial-up speed... timewarp back to the year 2000! Still, I got some posts written "in advance", so can start posting those next month. Yay!